Baltimore County Circuit Court Judge Susan Souder threw out fingerprint evidence in a fatal shooting case last week, saying it doesn't make the cut when a defendant's life is at stake.Reporter Caryn Tamber searched for the decision’s ramifications and found that some attorneys worry that Souder’s decision could raise questions about all physical evidence.
“It has huge impact on this case individually, but more importantly, where does it end?” Baltimore County State’s Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger said. “Fingerprints have been considered the gold standard of forensic evidence for 100 years. … If not fingerprints, what’s next?”
Shellenberger said the state cannot appeal the ruling prior to trial, but his office is considering whether to ask Judge Souder to reconsider.
Do you think the judge should reconsider? And what do you think about her ruling? Should fingerprints still be the gold standard?
-JACKIE SAUTER, Multimedia Editor
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