Good morning, readers! Here at The Daily Record, we’re facing another day of toxic fumes as work on our roof continues, but I’m braving the noxiousness to bring you your essential reads for the day:
*The Post’s Marc Fisher had a column yesterday about a gay man’s fight to keep “POOFTER” — for you non-Anglophiles, that’s generally derogatory British slang for gay — on his Virginia vanity plate. The state pulled his plates recently, after he’d had them for 11 years. What do you think? Were these plates offensive enough to warrant their revocation? Has anyone out there ever had a vanity plate application rejected on offensiveness grounds?
* The ABA Journal has a list of the top 10 ethics problems lawyers fall into.
* David Lat at Above the Law continues to follow associate bonus announcements. The firms he’s writing about don’t have Baltimore offices, but has anyone out there heard what the Baltimore firms are doing vis-à-vis end-of-year bonuses?
* Another top 10: Grant Griffiths’ Home Office Warrior’s got a post on beating the 10 biggest problems of working at home.
* Carolyn Elefant at My Shingle has a post about non-hourly billing strategies for solo lawyers.
-CARYN TAMBER, Legal Affairs Writer
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